Fall Sports
Winter Sports
Spring/Summer Sports
Cancellation Numbers
If you are in doubt as to if your child's practice or game has been cancelled, please call the number below.
Volunteers play a vital and key role in the programs and services offered by our recreation department. Without our community volunteers it would be impossible for us to provide our sports programs and other services. Realizing the tremendous influence a coach has on a young child; all volunteers must sign a coach’s code of ethics and go through a background check. This helps us ensure the parents and youth participants that we are providing volunteers that are both capable and qualified to lead in our programs. If you would like to learn more about volunteering in our programs, please feel free to click on the links located on the bottom of the page and/or contact us for more information.
Mandatory coaches meetings are required prior to volunteering. Dates are announced prior to each sport.
Volunteer Form | Volunteer Code of Ethics | Coaching Guidelines |