Fall Sports
Winter Sports
Spring/Summer Sports
Cancellation Numbers
If you are in doubt as to if your child's practice or game has been cancelled, please call the number below.
Schedules will be posted on the homepage when the sport is in season.
New Bat Rule Effective January 1st
T-Ball & Coach Pitch |
Co-ed T-Ball - Rules | Ages 5 - 6 |
Co-ed Coach Pitch - Rules | Ages 7 - 8 |
Baseball - Dixie Youth League Rules |
Dixie Minors Baseball | Ages 8 - 10 |
Dixie Ozone Baseball | Ages 11 - 12 |
Babe Ruth Baseball | Ages 13 - 15 | Girls Softball - baberuthleague.org |
Babe Ruth Softball | Ages 8 - 10 |
Babe Ruth Softball | Ages 11 - 13 |
Babe Ruth Softball | Ages 14 - 17 |
Participation Form | Parent Guidelines | Church League Softball - League Rules |